Why Choose a Pawn Shop to Sell Gold
It seems like you can’t go more than an hour or so without seeing an advertisement on television, or a billboard, that talks about selling gold. Due to the high prices of gold today, many different companies are beginning to buy and sell gold, which can make it difficult for people to know which company is the best one to work with. Of course, we believe that if you want to sell gold in Long Island, our pawn shop is the best option available. This isn’t just that we take pride in our business, however. There are many objective reasons why we are better than any other option.
Years of Experience
Just about all the people you see advertising their ability to buy gold have just gotten into this business within the last few years. They saw an opportunity to make money on the high gold prices, and jumped right in. Our Suffolk County pawn shop, however, has been held a precious metal license for many years.This experience means that we can act more quickly, and often pay higher prices per ounce than anyone else. In addition, we aren’t just some ‘flash in the pan’ company that is here to make some profit and then move on to the next fad. We are looking to build a great relationship with all our customers.
Paying Higher Prices
The market price for each ounce of gold changes frequently throughout the day, which can make it hard for any company to know exactly how much they are able to pay. Since we have years of experience in this area, however, we have an excellent system in place that helps us to make our buying decisions. For our customers, this means that we can pay you more for each ounce of gold that you bring in than anyone else in the area.
Faster Buying
Another benefit is that we have all the equipment right on site to determine how much gold you have, and how pure it is. We don’t have to ship it off to some other office to get that done, so the entire process of selling your gold to us is very quick. In most cases you can sell gold in Long Island right in our shop and walk out with cash in under an hour.
Accurate Pricing
While many people do have solid gold rings, gold coins or even gold bars, a lot of people have jewelry that is only partly made of gold. This can make it difficult for some companies to determine the actual value. In fact, some cases will only pay for the value of the gold in the jewelry, ignoring any other items like precious stones or gems. Here atour Long Island Pawn Shop, however, we will determine the total value of your items, and pay accordingly.
Contact Us Today
If you have any type of gold you would like to sell here in Long Island, or anywhere in Suffolk County, please contact us today. We buy gold for top dollar and would be happy to help you. You can call us with questions, or stop in and get paid cash for gold immediately.
Years of Experience
Just about all the people you see advertising their ability to buy gold have just gotten into this business within the last few years. They saw an opportunity to make money on the high gold prices, and jumped right in. Our Suffolk County pawn shop, however, has been held a precious metal license for many years.This experience means that we can act more quickly, and often pay higher prices per ounce than anyone else. In addition, we aren’t just some ‘flash in the pan’ company that is here to make some profit and then move on to the next fad. We are looking to build a great relationship with all our customers.
Paying Higher Prices
The market price for each ounce of gold changes frequently throughout the day, which can make it hard for any company to know exactly how much they are able to pay. Since we have years of experience in this area, however, we have an excellent system in place that helps us to make our buying decisions. For our customers, this means that we can pay you more for each ounce of gold that you bring in than anyone else in the area.
Faster Buying
Another benefit is that we have all the equipment right on site to determine how much gold you have, and how pure it is. We don’t have to ship it off to some other office to get that done, so the entire process of selling your gold to us is very quick. In most cases you can sell gold in Long Island right in our shop and walk out with cash in under an hour.
Accurate Pricing
While many people do have solid gold rings, gold coins or even gold bars, a lot of people have jewelry that is only partly made of gold. This can make it difficult for some companies to determine the actual value. In fact, some cases will only pay for the value of the gold in the jewelry, ignoring any other items like precious stones or gems. Here atour Long Island Pawn Shop, however, we will determine the total value of your items, and pay accordingly.
Contact Us Today
If you have any type of gold you would like to sell here in Long Island, or anywhere in Suffolk County, please contact us today. We buy gold for top dollar and would be happy to help you. You can call us with questions, or stop in and get paid cash for gold immediately.
Tips for Selling Coins
Millions of people collect coins of one type or another. It is truly an enjoyable hobby that you can start at any age and continue for your entire life. For many collectors, there comes a time when they want or need to sell one or more coins. This could be because they need some extra cash, or because they have duplicates of certain coins or even to get the money to invest into another coin or set of coins. Whatever the reason, it is important to know exactly how and where to sell your coins for top dollar. For those who are looking to sell coins in Long Island, our pawn shop is an ideal option. We are a coin dealer, and expert coin buyers who would be more than happy to buy your coins any time you are looking to sell.
Types of Coins we Buy
One thing that helps to set us apart from other buyers is that we buy almost any type of coins imaginable. So, if you want to sell gold coins, sell silver coins, sell antique coins, or sell any other type of coins, we are here for you. Our coin experts have helped people throughout Suffolk County, and beyond, with this process many times, and would be happy to assist you as well.
Coin Experts
Another thing that many coin collectors like about working with us when they sell coins is that we are also coin collectors. While we do it as a business, the fact is we really love the coins we buy and sell. Many of our employees have in depth knowledge about all types of coins that come in and out of our shop, which makes it much easier for collectors to work out a fair deal.
Trade Your Coins
Many coin collectors come to our Long Island pawn shop to sell one or more coins that they have, and then use that money toward other valuable coins that they want. This is a great way to complete a collection or a set that you have been looking for. Since we work with many of the top coin collectors in the area, our inventory is constantly changing. This can make it fun and easy to find coins you need, and sell coins that you don’t.
Get a Loan from Coins
If you need some extra money for one reason or another, but don’t want to actually sell your coins, we can help with that too. As a high end pawn shop we can give you a loan while using your coins as collateral. You can get money right away, and then when you pay it back you get your coins returned. This is a wonderful way to avoid taking out traditional loans, or even having to sell coins when you don’t want to.
Contact Us Today
Whether you are looking to buy coins or sell coins, we are the best option in Suffolk County. We would love to hear from you, and take a look at your collection to see how much it is worth. Call us, or stop in our shop today to learn more.
Do You Have Silver You can Sell?
When people are looking for ways to make money, they often overlook one of the best options that is available to them. Selling silver, or other precious metals, can be a great way to bring in a significant amount of money very quickly. When people first hear about the option to sell silver in Long Island they assume that it is not something that will work for them because they don’t have a bunch of silver coins or bars of silver. The reality is, however, that most people have silver of some type in their home, and thanks to the high prices of silver today. Read on to see different types of silver that many people have, but often overlook. You can then decide if you want to sell silver in Long island. We pay top dollar for silver to people from all around Suffolk County, and would be happy to help you right away.
Types of Silver
There are many different items that are either made of silver, or have silver in them. Even small items can be worth hundreds of dollars thanks to the high price of silver on the open market. The following are some of the most common silver items people have in their home:
Silver Coins – Silver coins are often collected or even purchased as an investment. If you have any type of silver coins, including antiques, they are likely worth a significant amount of money.
Silver Jewelry – Rings, necklaces, earrings and other types of jewelry are often made of or with silver. We can buy them from you for either just the price of the silver the jewelry itself depending on which is greater.
Silver Watches – Like the jewelry, many watches are made with silver and very valuable. We can appraise your watch quickly and let you know how much it is worth.
Silverware – While typical silverware today is not actually made of silver, there are some fine sets or antiques that are. If you have a high value set of silverware, bring it in to our shop and see how much it is worth. There are, of course, other items in your home that may be made from this valuable metal. As the top silver buyers in the area, we are happy to pay cash for silver no matter what form it is in. Even if, for example, you have silver jewelry that is damaged or broken, we are still happy to buy it and pay top dollar for it.
Contact Us Today
If you have found that you have any type of silver that you don’t want or need, please don’t hesitate to bring it into our shop. We will give you a free appraisal, and a no-obligation quote to buy it from you right away. If you like the offer, you can walk out of our shop with cash in your pocket right away. If not, you can always keep the silver without any problem. We are here to help you and anyone looking to sell silver here in Long Island, so please feel free to contact us anytime.
Can You Sell Platinum in Long Island?
Everywhere you look there are signs and advertisements up about selling gold, silver, jewelry and other similar items. This is largely due to the fact that the prices for precious metals is really high right now. What many people don’t often hear about, however, is that they can sell platinum in Long Island for a lot of money as well. This is likely due to the fact that not nearly as many people actually own platinum, or at least they aren’t aware of it. Like other precious metals, however, the price of platinum has also gone up significantly in recent years. This why those who do have platinum area able to sell it for such a high price, and it is so easy to sell. Here at Long Island Pawn Shop we frequently help people sell all types of platinum and can typically pay them far more than they had expected when they brought it into our shop.
Where to Find Platinum
If you are looking to sell platinum, the first thing you need to do is figure out if you own any. The easiest and most common place to find this precious metal is in jewelry. Over the past several decades’ platinum has become very popular in rings, watches and other items. This is due to its durability and beauty. You can also find this metal in a number of different types of things including catalytic converters (in cars), electrical contacts (computer and other electrical equipment) and even dental equipment. Going through the different items that you own and seeing if any of them contain platinum can be well worth the effort. As the leading platinum buyers in Suffolk County, we can pay cash for platinum no matter how much of it you have.
Selling Platinum in Long Island
Selling platinum in Long Island is surprisingly easy when you work with us. We have all the tools and equipment necessary to analyze and determine the value of platinum right in our shop. This means that when you bring an item in, we can do a full appraisal in just a few minutes. Once done, we can let you know how much we are able to pay for your platinum items. If you like the offer we make, you can get paid cash for your platinum immediately. Of course, if you don’t like the offer, you are more than welcome to keep your items. Many people even keep their platinum items overnight to ‘sleep on it’ and then come back when they decide that they want to sell. Our goal is to help the people of Suffolk County when they want to sell platinum, or any other precious metal.
Contact Us with Questions
If you have any questions about selling platinum in Long Island, or you want to come in and see how much your items are worth, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We can help you over the phone, or you can come into our shop to speak with one of our platinum buyers in person. Whatever you choose, we look forward to helping you soon.
Learn to Sell Your Antiques Today
Collecting antiques is something that millions of people enjoy. One of the best things about this hobby is that there are so many different types of antiques to collect. Some people collect antique jewelry, others like antique cars, and still others like antique weapons. Of course, there are dozens of other categories to collect too. Many people also like to buy antiques to be actually used in their homes as decorative or functional items. For those who are interested in antiques, it is important to know where to go to buy and sell antiques in Long Island and Suffolk County in general. Here at Long Island Pawn Shop we are experts at antiques, and would be happy to help you when it is time to sell one or more antique items. In many cases, we are far better equipped to help you sell antiques than any other option you may have available to you.
Why We are Top Antique Buyers
When you bring one of your antiques into our shop we will do everything we can to help make the entire process of selling much easier, and more profitable. We will start when you bring your antique item into our shop. One of our expert antique buyers will perform a full appraisal. Depending on the item you are bringing in, this may take just a few minutes, or it may take a little longer when research is needed. Once the appraisal is done we will make you a no-obligation offer to purchase the antique from you. You can then decide whether or not you want to sell your antiques. If you decide you do, we will have you fill out some quick paperwork and then pay you on the spot. This really is the fastest and easiest way to sell antiques in Long Island. Of course, if you don’t want to sell, that is fine too. You can always keep your item, or even take it home to think about it for a while.
We Pay Top Dollar
Another reason why many people come to us when they want to sell antiques in Long Island is because we can often pay more than they might expect. As experienced antique buyers we know how to properly determine the value of an antique, which means we can pay more than most other places. In addition, since many people come to us when they want to buy antiques, we can typically resell it fairly quickly so that we don’t have to keep it in inventory too long.
Contact Us Today
If you have any questions about selling any type of antique here in Suffolk County please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. You can either call our Long Island Pawn Shop to speak with someone on the phone, or just come on in and talk with an antique expert. We can explain our process or give you a good estimate of what your antiques may be worth. We look forward to working with you soon.
Make money selling diamonds
Many people have all sorts of diamond jewelry, and even some loose diamonds, sitting in their jewelry box or other area of the house. These diamonds often go unused for months or even years, doing nothing but collecting dust. These diamonds can be very valuable, which is why it is also dangerous to just have them sitting out in the open where someone could steal them. If you don’t check on them regularly, it could be weeks or longer before you even notice. Even if you do wear your diamonds on a regular basis, you may not really like them as much as you once did. Whatever the case, if you have any type of diamond that you don’t need any longer, why not think about selling them. It is surprisingly easy to sell diamonds in Long Island, and we have years of experience as diamond buyers. Here at Long Island Pawn Shop, we have helped thousands of customers sell their diamonds quickly and easily, and in most cases the owners were pleasantly surprised at just how much their diamonds were actually worth.
Where to Find Diamonds
If you have a jewelry box or other area where you store this type of thing, why not take a moment to go through it. Many people are surprised at just how many things they have accumulated over the years. Since diamond jewelry is so popular, you can quickly find hundreds or even thousands of dollars worth of diamonds. Another common item that has diamonds in it is a watch. Watches are often embellished with diamonds, which can dramatically improve their appearance (and their value). There are other items that you may have that contain diamonds as well, and some people even have loose diamonds that may have fallen out of their setting years ago. Go through your home and see what you can find before bringing it into our shop.
Selling Your Diamonds
When you bring any type of diamond into our shop, one of our experienced jewelers will take a close look at it to determine its value. Our certified gemologist, who is on staff, has all the equipment they need right on site to see how much it might be worth. Once done, we’ll make you an offer to purchase the diamond right on the spot. Of course, when analyzing any diamonds we will also check the value of the setting it may be in. Many times, the value of the jewelry as a whole is greater than that of just the diamond and setting separately. We’ll consider all of these things when we make you a no-obligation offer to purchase the diamonds from you. In many cases, the entire process takes less than an hour, and you can walk out of our shop with hundreds or thousands of dollars. This really is the easiest way to get access to the money you need. If you have any questions, or you are ready to sell diamonds in Long Island, please don’t hesitate to contact us. One of our diamond buyers will be happy to talk with you about what you have, and make you an offer to pay cash for your diamonds.
Sell Your Watch Quickly and Easily
If you are looking for a fast and easy way to get the cash you need, you may want to consider selling a watch. Watches are very valuable, and they can be sold quite easily when you know where to bring them. Our pawn shop has helped thousands of people sell watches in Long Island over the years, and we would love the opportunity to help you as well. Our watch master is on staff and can appraise any type of watch you may have, and let you know what it is worth. We’ll make you an offer to buy it on the spot, so if you choose, you can walk out of our shop with cash in your pocket. We really do offer the fastest way to get cash for watches anywhere in Suffolk County. Whether you’ve ever been to our Long Island Pawn Shop or not, we can easily help you to get a significant amount of money when you sell your watch.
Types of Watches
We buy almost any type of watch you can imagine including modern watches, antique watches, casual watches or luxury watches. Many of our customers bring in older watches that they have not worn in years, and they are able to sell them for top dollar without a problem. The following are some of the most popular brands of watch that we buy. Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list of brands, but just a few of the most common to help give you an idea:
- Rolex Watches
- Cartier Watches
- Patek Phillipe Watches
- IWC Watches
- Omega Watches
- Breitling Watches
- Ball Watch
If you have one of these brands of watches, or any other, please don’t hesitate to come into our shop for a free, no obligation appraisal. Once we’ve had a little bit of time to look at the quality of the watch and determine its value, we will make you an offer to sell it. If you decide to sell, we can pay you cash on the spot once you have finished filling out some simple paper work. In addition, we offer the option to pawn your watch. This means that you can put your watch down as collateral for a loan. You then get the money you need that day. Once you pay the loan back, we’ll give you your watch back. This is one of the best ways to get money fast when you are in need of it.
Contact Us Today
Whether you’re looking to pawn or sell watches in Long Island, we are the ideal place to go. We have years of experience buying and selling watches to people throughout Suffolk County, and beyond. Our experts will be happy to explain the entire process and answer any questions you might have about selling your watch. If you are interested, please either come into our shop, or give us a call to speak with us on the phone today.
Why Buy Watches from Our Pawn Shop
If you are in the market for a new watch, you have many different options to choose from when it comes to where you buy it. You can go down to a local jewelry store and select from what they have in stock. You could also shop online and see what you can find. One option that many people overlook is the local pawn shop. Here at Long Island Pawn Shop, we have dozens of beautiful watches to choose from, and all at some truly incredible prices. While most of the watches we have are used, you won’t likely be able to tell just by looking at them. This is because we clean and repair watches before putting them up for sale. We also guarantee our watches! In most cases, people who look at our watches can’t find any blemishes or other problems anywhere on the watch or the band. So, if you want to buy a watch in Long Island, make sure you stop in our shop to see what we have. The chances are quite good that you’ll find a watch that you love.
Types of Watches for Sale
Our inventory is constantly changing as people come in to buy a brand name watch, or sell one. If you want to buy a luxury watch, the best thing you can do is to stop in our shop and take a look at what we have. If you don’t see the one you want, you can let us know what you’re looking for and we can contact you when we acquire one. To give you an idea of the different types of watches we typically have, look at the following list. These are some of the most popular watches that people sell us, which also means that they are typically available to buy right here in Suffolk County.
- Cartier
- Rolex
- Breitling
- Omega
- Patek
We buy and sell just about any type of watch that has value. Most days we have multiple different styles from each of the above mentioned brands, as well as many others. Another thing that really helps to set our shop apart from most other watch sellers is that we also carry antique watches. Antique watches are very desirable, and also very popular. Whether you’re looking for an older wrist watch, or a beautiful pocket watch, we likely have one that you’ll love.
Contact Us
We want to do everything we can to help make the entire process of buying a watch in Long Island as easy as possible for you. If you’re looking to make a purchase, consider stopping in our shop and seeing what we have. You can also just give us a call and we can tell you the type of items we have in our inventory at any given time. As mentioned above, we can also take a note of what you’re looking for and let you know when it comes in stock. The bottom line is if you are in Suffolk and looking to buy a luxury watch, we are here for you.
Have a Rolex You Don’t Wear? Get Paid Today!
When it comes to high end watches, no name is better known than that of Rolex. For generations Rolex has been creating luxury watches that people from around the world absolutely love. Many people who own Rolex watches, however, find that they no longer wear them and the watch just sits on their dresser for months or years at a time. Given the high value of these watches, this is not only unfortunate, but it can also be dangerous since someone could steal it. If you don’t wear your watch anymore, why not learn how to sell the Rolex watch in Long Island? Here at Long Island Pawn Shop we buy and sell all types of watches, including Rolexes. You can bring your watch into our shop any time for a free, no obligation appraisal from one of our watch experts. We are the leading Rolex buyers in Suffolk County, which means we can quickly determine the value of just about any watch. Once we’ve completed the appraisal, we will make you an offer to purchase it from you right on the spot.
Value of Rolex Watches
One of the biggest questions we have people asking us is how much their watch is worth. Unfortunately, without doing a hands on appraisal, there is no way to get an accurate estimate of its value. What we can say, however, is that Rolexes tend to hold their value very well, and in some cases the price may actually go up over time. Some things that can impact the value of your watch include the condition it is in, the age of the watch and, of course, how much it cost when it was new. Our watch buyers will look at all these factors, and many others, to come up with a precise value. From there, they will determine how much we can pay for the watch.
Tips to Sell a Rolex in Long Island
If you are thinking that you might want to sell a Rolex in Long Island, there are some tips that you should really follow. This will help to ensure you get the most money possible for your watch, and avoid making some of the more common mistakes. First, don’t try to clean or polish your Rolex watch unless you are confident that you know what you’re doing. Many people actually damage their watch when they try to clean it. Instead, just bring it in as is and we can clean it if necessary. Another tip is to bring in as many watches (or other valuables) as you want to sell. The more you have, the more money you can make per item. This is a much more efficient way to get paid when you want to sell a Rolex or other items here in Suffolk County. Finally, a last tip is to not worry if the watch isn’t actually working right now. We can still pay you a very fair price even if the watch is not in working order. Rolexes still have value because they can either be repaired or used for parts. No matter what type of Rolex you have, we would be happy to take a look and let you know how much we can pay for it.
Five Great Tips for Selling Your Watch in Suffolk County
If you have a watch that you would like to sell, it is important to do everything you can to make sure you do everything right. This will help you to get the most money possible for your Cartier watch, and it will also make it much faster and easier to complete the sale. So, if you want to sell Cartier in Long Island, or sell any other brand watch, read through the following five great tips for selling luxury watches in Suffolk County.
Sell in Person
One of the biggest mistakes people are making these days is trying to sell their watch online. While this is a fairly easy process, you aren’t very likely to get as much as you could if you sold it in person. This is because when you sell online, the person buying it can’t really hold it and analyze it. This makes it more risky for them to buy, which will lower the price they are willing to pay. Whenever possible, always sell luxury items like a Cartier watch to someone in person.
Know the Value
Having a good idea about how much your watch is worth will help you when you want to sell Cartier in Long Island. Of course, you aren’t likely going to be able to estimate an extra price on your own, but you can get a good ballpark figure. If you know the general value within a few hundred dollars, for example, you will be able to make a more informed decision as to whether or not you want to sell.
Don’t Restore the Watch
If you have an antique watch, or your watch is just dirty and damaged, don’t make the mistake of trying to restore it on your own. This can actually cause a lot more problems than it can fix. Instead, just bring the watch to the buyer as it is. We will be able to quickly determine what will be required to restore the watch, and factor that into our offer. If it just needs a good cleaning, that won’t really effect the total value.
Work with Cartier Buyers
There are some watch buyers who don’t have a lot, or even any, experience working with Cartier watches. This can make it more difficult for them to gauge the right price they can pay. They will have to offer a lower price to help ensure they can make a profit. Working with an experienced Cartier buyer in Long Island, on the other hand will help ensure you get exactly what it is worth.
Consider Your Options
If you sell Cartier in Long Island to our pawn shop, why not consider all your options. Sometimes you can get a better deal by trading the watch for something else in the store. Many people bring in one watch that they no longer wear, and apply it as store credit for another watch that we have for sale. This is a great way to get more ‘bang for your buck’ when selling any type of watch. Of course, we are always happy to pay cash if you prefer. If you have any more questions about selling a Cartier watch, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be glad to give you a free estimate or answer any questions you might have.
Are Pawn Shops Good for Selling Watches?
In generations past, when someone wanted to sell a watch they would either have to sell it to a friend or family member, put an ad in the newspaper or else bring it down to the local pawn shop. The thing each of these options had in common was that you would be dealing with the buyer face to face, so the risk of getting ripped off was greatly reduced. Today, many people turn to the Internet when they want to sell a watch. While the Internet does make many things better and easier, this is not one of them. If you sell through a site like eBay, the buyer can’t inspect the watch so they need to reduce their bids to accommodate for the added risk. Selling on a site like Craigslist is in person, but that comes with added risks to your safety as well. This is why a growing number of people are asking about whether or not it is a good idea to sell a Patek Philippe watch in Long Island at a pawn shop. As the leading pawn shop in Suffolk County, we help many people sell their watches, and are able to pay top dollar. In fact, we are the best Patek Philippe buyers in Suffolk County, which is why many people decide to buy and sell watches with us.
Why Choose a Pawn Shop
If you have never sold a watch, or other item, to a pawn shop you might not know why it is such a good option. The fact is, we offer a variety of great benefits that you simply can’t find with any other option. The following are some of the key reasons why it is smart to come to us to sell a Patek Philippe watch in Long Island:
- Pay Top Dollar – We can typically pay more than you would get online or through most other mediums. This is because we are watch experts, and know the market very well. This allows us to more accurately determine your watch’s value.
- Options to Pawn – If you like your watch, but you need some money, you can pawn the watch rather than selling it. This will allow you to get the money you need as a loan. When you have the money to repay the loan, you’ll get your watch back.
- Local Service – You don’t have to worry about dealing with strangers online. You can come into our safe and well established store to deal with our local business.
- Cash Fast – If you bring in a watch to sell today, you can walk out of our shop with cash in your pocket. This is the fastest way to sell your watch and get the money you need extremely quickly.
There are many other great reasons why we are the best watch buyers in the area. If you have any questions, or would like to come in for a free, no-obligation offer to buy your watch, we would be happy to see you.
How to Sell Your Watch to a Pawn Shop
If you have a watch that you don’t often wear, it may be a good idea to sell it. Due to the fact that watches are very popular right now, their value can be surprisingly high. This is especially true for higher end watches such as those made by IWC. When you want to sell an IWC watch in Long Island, one of the best ways to do it is to bring it into our pawn shop. We have been helping the people of Suffolk County sell watches and many other items for years, and would be happy to help you as well. If you haven’t ever sold items to a pawn shop before, you’ll likely be surprised at just how easy it can be. We do everything we can to give you a positive experience, whether you’re buying or selling something from our shop. The following is a quick explanation of what you can expect if you sell an IWC watch in Long Island. Of course, if you have any questions about the process, please don’t hesitate to come into our shop and ask or even give us a call.
Guide to Selling a Watch at Long Island Pawn Shop
The first thing you will want to do is bring your watch into our shop. If you would like, you can call ahead of time to set up an appointment, but it is not necessary. You can stop in anytime and one of our watch experts will be happy to help you. When you arrive, go to the front counter and speak with one of our watch experts. Let them know that you are interested in selling your IWC watch, and they will help you the rest of the way. In most cases, our IWC buyers will take a close look at your watch to determine the quality and functionality of the piece. They then may do some research to determine the market value at the time. Once they know, they will make you an offer to purchase the watch. In most cases this whole process doesn’t take more than 15 minutes or so. You can then decide whether or not you want to sell the watch for that price. If you do, you just complete some quick paperwork and we will give you the cash you are owed. The entire process from the time you walk into the shop until you walk out with cash in your pocket is extremely quick.
Contact Us Today
If you have any questions about selling an IWC watch, or a watch of any other brand, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Keep in mind that we also buy and sell other things including gold, silver, jewelry and much more. For many people, we are the ideal way to get the cash you need quickly and easily. We look forward to helping you soon.
What Impacts the Value of my Watch?
If you own a luxury watch, you may be wondering about how much it is worth. High end watches, like those from Breitling and other top brands, can hold their value very well. There are many factors, however, that go into determining exactly how much you’ll be able to get for it in the event that you do decide you want to sell it. So, if you may want to sell a Breitling watch in Long Island, read on to learn about what needs to be factored in when determining the price.
Age of Watch
Not surprisingly, the age of the watch will have a significant impact on the value. The newer the watch is, the more it will be worth. For some watches, however, the older they are can help improve value. That is typically only going to be for antiques though.
Condition of the Watch
The condition of the watch is also very important. If your watch has scratches in it, for example, it will reduce the value. It is important to note that you don’t want to attempt to clean or restore the watch before you sell it. Attempting to clean the watch yourself could actually damage it. If the watch needs to be cleaned or restored, we can handle that here in our shop.
Style of Watch
The specific style, or model of the watch you have will also make an important impact on the price. If you want to sell a Breitling watch in Long Island, make sure you know what model the watch is. The more in demand a specific style is, the higher the value of your watch will be.
Market Conditions
The overall market demand for luxury watches is also going to play a significant role. The demand does change on a regular basis, but over the past several years it has steadily gone up. This is because wearing watches is quickly becoming more popular. Watches fell out of fashion for a time in the 1990’s as people started using phones to keep time, but now watches are very popular as fashion accessories (in addition to time pieces). The high demand is expected to continue for quite some time, which makes this a great time to sell your watch.
Other Factors
Of course, there are many other factors that can impact the overall value of your watch. This is why it is so important for you to be able to bring it into our shop and have one of our Breitling buyers take a close look at it. Once they analyze the watch, they will be able to give you an offer on how much they can pay. If you like the deal, you can walk out of the shop with cash in your pocket. If you have any questions about selling your watch here in Suffolk County, please don’t hesitate to give us a call. If you’d prefer, you can always come by our shop anytime and speak with one of our experienced watch buyers who is ready to help you.
Upgrade Your Watch at Long Island Pawn Shop
If you have been wanting to get a new watch for some time, but can’t seem to come up with all the money for a luxury option, there may be a great solution that you haven’t considered. Many people bring in their existing watch to sell, and then apply the money they make toward getting a newer, nicer watch. So, you can come in and sell an Omega watch in Long Island, and get paid top dollar. Once you have the money, you can either take it and buy a brand new luxury watch (or at least put the money toward one) or you can look through our inventory of used watches. The watches we have in the store are of the highest quality, and can be a great upgrade to your current model. Since they are used, you’ll be paying a fraction of what it would be for a brand new watch. You can even sell a couple watches, or add some jewelry or other items and you’ll find that you may not have to actually pay any money out of pocket for the new watch.
Selling Your Watch is Easy
Selling an Omega watch is extremely easy in our Long Island Pawn Shop. This is because Omega watches typically hold their value quite well. This makes it quick and easy to appraise the watch and make you a generous offer. If you decide that you want to accept our offer, you’ll just have to fill out some quick paperwork and we can pay you cash on the spot. Remember, if you do decide that you want to trade in your watch for another watch that we have in our store, make sure to mention that ahead of time. Depending on the type of watch you want, and the one you’re trading in, we may actually be able to give you slightly more in store credit than we could in cash. This is really one of the best ways to maximize the value of your watch. As leading Omega buyers, we will work hard to help you throughout the process of selling your watch.
Contact Us Today
If you have any questions about selling your Omega watch in Long Island, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We would be more than happy to answer any questions you might have, or take a look at your watch and let you know what it may be worth. Our watch experts can even help you to find the perfect new watch that you want to purchase. Any way that we are able to help, we are here for you. Of course, if you want to sell your Omega watch for a reason other than upgrading to a new watch, that is fine too. Selling your watch can be a great way to get the money you need for any number of things. Whatever the case, just give us a call or stop in our shop to get the process started.
Save Money Buying a Beautiful Rolex
Owning a Rolex watch is something that millions of people would love to do. Unfortunately, they believe that they are out of their price range, and that it won’t be possible, at least for now. The reality is, however, that there are many options available to you that will allow you to buy a Rolex in Long Island, without breaking your budget. The best way to do this is to come down to our pawn shop, located conveniently in Suffolk County, and take a look at our inventory of high end luxury watches, including many Rolexes. While these watches are technically used, they are still typically going to be in immaculate condition. Most people who look at the watch won’t ever be able to tell that it is not brand new and right out of the box. You can choose from any of the great watches that we have available, and have it ready to wear the very same day.
Saving Money
One of the best things about buying a Rolex from us is that you will be saving a huge amount of money. Depending on the exact model of the watch you are looking to purchase, you will be saving hundreds or maybe even over a thousand dollars compared to purchasing the watch brand new. Due to our select buying process, all of our Rolex watches are going to be in great condition so you can enjoy it for many years to come.
Fast Shopping Experience
When you come into our shop you can quickly look through the selection of Rolex watches we have for sale. Once you find the one you like, our watch selling professionals will help to make sure it is the right one for you, and then ring you up. There is no need to wait for the watch to be special ordered or anything like that since we keep our inventory in the best possible condition.
Constantly Changing Inventory
Another great benefit to buying a Rolex in Long Island from our shop is that the inventory is constantly changing. If you don’t find the perfect watch when you come in today, just return again in a few days we may have bought some new watches to show you. If you have a specific type of model in your mind, just let us know. We’ll watch out for that specific type of watch, and give you a call when one comes into our shop. This is an excellent way to get the exact Rolex that you want, without having to pay inflated retail prices.
Trade up an Old Watch
One final tip for buying a Rolex is to consider trading in your older watch. We accept most top brands of watches, and can pay you a significant amount of money for it. This means you can potentially have even more money available to buy your new Rolex at our Long Island pawn shop.
Why Buy a Cartier Watch?
If you are looking to buy a nice luxury watch you have likely found that there are dozens of different options to choose from. It is hard to know which one is really going to match your style, hold its value and just generally be a great watch for you for years to come. For many people, watches by Cartier are an excellent option to consider. These watches are made to the highest standards and have been popular for quite some time now. They hold their value very well, which means that if you ever want to resell the watch it will still be worth a significant amount of money. Of course, this luxury watch maker also ensures all the watches are often the highest standard so they will work for years on end without running into any trouble. If you are interested in buying a Cartier watch in Long Island, make sure you consider first shopping in our pawn shop. There are many advantages to buying a watch (or any other item) in a pawn shop rather than a traditional store, including the following.
Saving Money
Since the watches in our shop are previously owned, they will cost a fraction of what they would when they are new. The best thing about buying pre-owned luxury watches is that in almost all cases, the previous owner took great care of the watch. In addition, before we put the watch out on the shelves, we will make sure it is working properly and looks its best. In many cases, people can’t even tell that the watch is not brand new.
Easier to Shop
It is much easier to shop in our Long Island pawn shop than it is in most watch or jewelry stores. We won’t pressure you into making a decision that you’re not comfortable with. Our Cartier dealer is there to help you with questions or provide any insight that you might need, but the decision will always be completely up to you as far as whether or not you want to buy. We know that buying a watch is a very personal decision and we want to make sure you are happy with the choice you made.
Contact Us with Questions
If you have any questions about buying a Cartier in Long Island, please don’t hesitate to give us a call. We can answer most questions right over the phone. If you happen to be in the area, please stop in our shop and speak with the Cartier dealer who can answer all your questions about these beautiful watches. You’ll be amazed at just how great they look, and how affordable they really are. We are here to help you every step of the way, so if you are in the market for a new luxury watch, or any other item we have in stock, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.
Should You Buy a Watch?
For generations just about every adult owned a watch so that they could always keep track of the time no matter where they were. In the 1990’s, however, that all started to change. As people began carrying pagers and then later cell phones, the necessity for wearing a watch started to fade away. For a time, there was a dramatic decrease in the demand for watches because they were just not really necessary and they were out of style. Over the past decade or so, however, watches have been making a major come back. Of course, most people don’t need them just to tell time, though it is convenient to just look at your wrist rather than pulling out your phone. Watches today are much more than just a convenience. They are often a luxury item that you can enjoy for years. If you buy a Patek Philippe watch in Long Island, you will find that it is an absolute pleasure to own. Look at some of the more popular reasons why people choose to buy nice watches today.
Fashion Accessory
For men, the wrist watch is one of the most popular fashion accessories. They can be very elaborate, or simple, depending on your taste. For women, watches are often a perfect addition to their outfit and something that they enjoy wearing. Whatever the case, there are many different styles of watches to consider and you’ll certainly be able to find one that you absolutely love.
Status Symbols
For many people, wearing a luxury watch is something of a status symbol. Since there are many high end luxury watch makers, you can find a beautiful watch that will give you just that look and feel. When you consider that some of the higher end watches can cost tens of thousands of dollars, or sometimes more, it is easy to see why people want them. One nice thing about buying a Patek Philippe watch in Long Island from our pawn shop is that you can get them for a fraction of what it would cost when they were new.
Family Heirloom
Watches have long been passed down from generation to generation as a family heirloom. This practice briefly fell out of style, but it is once again becoming popular. When a parent or grandparent is always wearing a specific watch, it can be quite important to have it pass down to a loved one. Many people are buying luxury watches with the idea that they can enjoy it for years, and then pass it down to a child or grandchild when the time comes.
Contact Us
Whatever the reason you have for wanting to buy a high end Patek Philippe watch here in Suffolk County, we are here for you. As a leading Patek Philippe dealer, we can help you to select the perfect watch you’re your needs. Contact us over the phone, or stop in our shop to see exactly what type of watch you are looking for today.
Tips for Buying a Pre-Owned Watch
If you are in the market to buy an IWC watch in Long Island, you may be interested in purchasing it pre-owned from a pawn shop. This is a great way to save a ton of money, while still getting an absolutely incredible watch. As an area IWC dealer we have many great options to choose from. If you haven’t purchased pre-owned watches in the past, however, it may be confusing. To help answer some questions and make the whole process much simpler, we have come up with the following tips for buying a pre-owned watch. Whether you want to buy an IWC watch in Long Island, or any other brand watch, we are the place to come. Of course, if you still have any questions about any type of watch buying in Suffolk County, please don’t hesitate to come in and ask one of our watch experts.
Know what You Want
One of the best things you can do when shopping for a pre-owned watch is to have a good idea of what type you are looking for. Many people will have a list of several brands such as IWC, Cartier and Rolex that they really like. This allows them to focus only on those watches that they are interested in. Of course, if something else catches your eye, you can always update your list.
Know Your Budget
When you buy a pre-owned watch you will be able to afford something much nicer than would be possible if you were buying new. Most people, however, will still need to keep within a certain budget. If you know how much you can spend, let the IWC dealer know so they can show you the best watches that are within your price range.
Check for Defects
Here at Long Island Pawn Shop we only buy and sell in very nice watches. That being said, however, there may be some minor imperfections on some of them. For many people, this can actually be a great opportunity to get an even better deal. If there is a tiny scratch on the back of a watch, for example, you can save some money and most people will never even see the scratch.
Consider Trading a Watch In
If you already have a watch that you don’t often wear, consider bringing it into our shop and trading it in. You can often get some significant trade in value, which can be put toward the newer watch that you want. This is a great way to make it so you can afford a high end watch, without having to pull much money out of your pocket.
Ask Questions
For most buyers, the most important thing you can do is ask questions when you have them. We have been working with watches for years, and are able to answer just about any question you might have. While we always want to make a sale, our primary goal is to ensure you are happy with your purchase. We know that if you are happy, you’ll be back again in the future and may even recommend us to others. With that in mind, never hesitate to ask our watch experts any questions you may have about a watch you may want to buy.
Choosing the Right Watch
If you are thinking about purchasing a watch for yourself or a loved one, it is important to make sure you take the time to get the right one. It often isn’t just a matter of finding one that you like the look of, it is actually best to really think it through and make sure you find one that you will love for years to come. So, if you want to buy an Omega watch in Long Island, look through the following points that you should consider in order to make sure you get the perfect watch for you or your loved one.
When Will You Wear It?
One of the biggest questions you need to ask yourself is when you will where the watch. If it is something you want to wear every day, than a nice looking casual watch might be the best option. If you want it as a fashion accessory that will only be worn on special occasions, there are ‘dressier’ watches to choose from. Of course, there are other types of watches for other occasions too.
Type of Display
Do you prefer a digital display or an analog option? On the display do you like traditional number, or Roman numerals or no numbers at all. These are all important questions to ask yourself before you actually come see an Omega dealer here in Suffolk County.
What is Your Budget
Your budget will have a big impact on what you can afford. Of course, if you buy an Omega watch in Long Island from us, you will be able to afford something much nicer than if you got a brand new watch. Having a budget in mind, however, will help you to stay focused when shopping to ensure you are not wasting time on something you can’t have.
What Materials Do You Like?
Do you prefer a gold band, or is silver more your style? There are many different options when it comes to the materials that are used in your watch. For most people this is just a simple preference, but some people are actually allergic to certain materials so it is something that should be taken seriously.
Power Source
Do you prefer a battery powered watch, or one that needs to be wound up? You can also select from other sources like kinetic energy. This decision will impact things like if or when you need to worry about changing batteries, or other matters of convenience. For many people, the power source is an essential topic in their choosing the right watch.
Ask Many Questions
Unless you already know a lot about watches, make sure you ask us any questions you might have about the watches you are considering. We can help you to figure out which watch will meet your particular needs, and ensure you find the perfect watch that you will love for years to come.
Buying a Watch as a Gift
If you have a loved one who is interested in getting a nice watch, it may be the perfect option to give as a gift. Finding the right gift can often be difficult, so why not look into buying a Breitling watch in Long Island and giving it to your loved one. Here at Long Island Pawn Shop we have many different types of watches available, including Breitling. As a Breitling dealer we can help you to choose the perfect watch, and get it for a great price. In fact, the price of the watch is one of the biggest benefits of shopping with us. We buy these types of watches from clients on a regular basis, which means we typically have a very nice selection to choose from. In addition, since they are pre-owned, you will be able to save a lot of money when you make the purchase. Don’t worry, however, our watches are typically in such good shape that nobody will be able to tell that it isn’t brand new.
Stop In to See Our Selection
If you are interested in buying one of our many watches, please don’t hesitate to come into our shop and take a look at what we have. There are many to choose from, so we’re confident you will find something that your loved one will enjoy very much. If, however, they are looking for something specific, we may be able to help. We can often take down your name and what type of watch you’re looking for. When someone comes in to sell one, we can contact you and let you know that we have it available. This is a great way to get the watch you want, without having to search all over to find it yourself.
Sell Other Items
If you want to save even more money when you buy a Breitling in Long Island, you can bring in an old watch, jewelry, coins or other items of value to sell. We’ll then apply their value to the price of the watch so you can save a lot. In fact, you may be able to sell enough so you don’t actually have to pay anything out of pocket at all. This is a great way to get rid of some old items you don’t need any more, while getting an incredible deal on a watch for your loved one.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about buying a Breitling watch, or any other type of watch that we have in stock, please don’t hesitate to give us a call or stop in our shop. We can answer your questions, and explain the process of buying one of our beautiful watches. Of course, you don’t always have to buy the watch for a loved one. You can also come in and look at our selection of watches for yourself as well. This is a great way to get yourself something nice, without having to over spend.